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On Carly Pearces Outburst to No One Cares Comment [Video]

Public Relations

There is nothing more doltish and annoying than the low IQ commenter who decides to pipe up in the comments section of a social media post with the canned and thoughtless line “No one cares.” Not only is it ineffective as an insult, offers absolutely nothing in regards to value or insight, every single time it’s typed or uttered, it’s actually false. Because if the individual really didn’t care, they would have breezed by whatever they’re commenting on. By engaging with it, they’re actually signaling they do care.

Not to get too deep into the subject, but whenever these instances come up, I always think of the excellent scene from the 1999 film Girl, Interrupted. The Winona Ryder character thinks she’s above it all and looking down at everything else, just like anyone who issues the “No one cares” line. Then she proceeds to get schooled by a psychologist played by …

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