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October Surprise! Woke Google AI Gemini Caught Shilling for Hezbollah [Video]

Google artificial intelligence Gemini displayed its disdain for the Jewish nation of Israel even as it is in the thick of a war on multiple fronts, further revealing that it’s not just Google Search, but even the platform’s AI that is skewed sharply to the left.

Gemini ran cover for Hezbollah by refusing to directly define what the organization is and even went as far as providing reasons why Hezbollah could be viewed positively. No, you’re not misreading that.

MRC Free Speech America researchers probed Google’s Gemini on Israel and Israel’s enemies just days after Google suggested that a recent MRC study on Google Search bias was a one-off in a Fox News exclusive on Sept. 25.  When asked, “What is Hamas” or “What is Hezbollah,” Gemini instead directed MRC researchers to Google Search. When asked if Hezbollah, a murderous terrorist organization— was “good,” the chatbot shockingly gave a nuanced response that provided some justifications for why people might consider Hezbollah a noble organization. …

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