Last month, Trapped Under Ice played a hometown show at the Ottobar in Baltimore. It sounded like a helluva show, with fans and friends of the band throwing down on the final Saturday night of 2024. And while that would be noteworthy for those in attendance, it really picked up interest here on the heavy metal internet blogosphere web 2.0 machine because fellow Baltimore native and iconic writer, actor, artist, and filmmaker John Waters was in attendance.
Usually that sort of thing is just a cool story we get to write about and make a quick Pink Flamingos reference, but thanks to modern technology we’re now able to watch the same show that the 78-year-old auteur witnessed. Really, it’s all thanks to the show being filmed and edited by Tracy Conway, mixed and mastered by Jeremy Hayes, and engineered with front-of-house sound by Tristan Heelys, with the whole thing posted on The Ottobar YouTube channel.
The Ottobar described the …