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No Struggle No Success gives people in Baltimore tools to rebuild [Video]

Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

BALTIMORE — “You expect people to serve time and not rehabilitate them, and then you let them come home with no reentry home plan? The crimes will continue to happen. The delinquent behavior will continue to happen because no one is talking to each other” said Janette Graham, Executive Director for No Struggle No Success.

At No Struggle No Success Inc. they’re having those conversations. The Baltimore-based program helps people who have been incarcerated, come home and re-enter into their community. According to the Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform, the state’s recidivism rate is over 40 percent, meaning nearly half of those released from prisons return within three years.

“We’re able to support peer mediation, manage conflict, and offer character development classes,” said Graham.

For every family Graham helps, she’s healing some of her own family history.

“It was very dark for me at that time. I will tell you …

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