Global Marketing Strategies

No baby foods sold in Australian supermarkets meet WHO guidelines, study finds [Video]

Not a single baby or toddler food sold in Australian supermarkets meets international guidelines for health and promotion set by the World Health Organization, a new study has claimed

Baby and toddler foods have skyrocketed in popularity in recent years, with hundreds of options featuring appealing characters to attract children, while marketing labels promote various health benefits to their parents.

A team from the George Institute for Global Health analysed 309 infant and toddler foods sold in major supermarkets, which are marketed at children aged between six months and three years of age.

Supermarkets have enter aisles dedicated to baby and toddler foods and products, with pouches in particular seeing a surge in popularity in recent years. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

More than three-quarters of the foods (78 per cent) assessed did not meet the mark on overall nutritional requirements, with most of them containing excess calories or sugar.

None of the products met WHO guidelines for promotion.

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