Community Building and Management

Nine Xbox Games’ Servers are Closing in February [Video]

There’s still time for a few more playthroughs and the achievement hunters to have their fill.

Xbox has a whole host of servers that are going offline this February. Sadly this will likely mark the end of several games’ online services unless the communities attempt to keep them alive. Which is not always possible but has happened in some cases. 

As shared to Reddit by Turbostrider27. The folks over on TrueAchievements have counted Nine Xbox servers going offline this February. For the remainder of the time these games have left, players can still rack up any incomplete achievements and play a few more rounds of Golf. 

Sadly many of these games never received a physical copy so when they’re delisted there won’t be any way to acquire them. In fact, some of those games have already been delisted.

This is part of the argument for purchasing physical copies of games or making efforts to back up game data so that …

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