Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

NHIA and NIA collaborate to register children aged 6 to 14 years [Video]

The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) and the National Identification Authority (NIA) have signed a joint cooperative agreement to register 6.3 million children for Ghana cards.

The initiative aims to issue Ghana cards to the children, providing them with both healthcare access through the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and official identification through the NIA.

The NHIS in a statement said the collaboration is part of the government’s effort to streamline administrative processes and expand social services reach.

“The collaboration between NHIA and NIA underscores a concerted effort by the Ghanaian government to streamline administrative processes and expand social services reach. By equipping children with Ghana cards at an early age, the initiative seeks to enhance their access to essential healthcare services while also facilitating their participation in various socio-economic activities requiring official identification.”

The registration drive is expected to commence on 10th June 2024, targeting children aged between 6 …

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