7 Invisible Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
7 Invisible Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
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New approach helped Patient 13 reach remission could it revolutionize how cancer is treated? | FIU News [Video]

Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

In the wake of the relapse, Logan’s oncologist Dr. Maggie Fader — who led the clinical trial with Azzam — along with his entire team of doctors started searching for a more tailored treatment. They quickly enrolled Logan in the clinical trial.  

“What’s unique is it’s easy and fast to get results about what would be the most optimal regime, so we could act quickly,” says Fader who is employed by KIDZ Medical and cares for patients at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. “That’s important because we’re talking about a child with cancer getting worse day by day.”

Invaluable to Jenner: No nerve-wracking trial and error on her son’s already-exhausted body.

“Logan was not going to be a little science experiment. They were going to take his cancer cells and test the medications on those.”

Those tests guided Logan’s treatment. Results revealed which combination of drugs would likely work for him and which might hurt his chances. In 33 days, he reached remission — faster …

How Desire Paths can Transform your Branding and Public Relations
How Desire Paths can Transform your Branding and Public Relations
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