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New AI Wearable Friend Unveiled To Cure Loneliness; Internet Asks Why Isnt It An App? [Video]

Mobile Marketing

Seems like the Humane AI Pin debacle didn’t deter the AI industrial complex trying to encash on Homo sapien’s perpetual loneliness. Founder Avi Shiffman unveiled ‘Friend’ , an AI wearable that one can don as a necklace. The $99 gizmo endeavors to stick around its users as their chuddy buddies, listening to their mundane weekdays or exciting weekendings, and gently nudging smart curated texts on their mobile screen, reminding that the ‘Friend’ is there no matter what. The released demo of the AI wearable shows the compassionate AI trickery solacing a trekker, a gamer, and a foodie enjoying a show, among others. Upon gently pressing the device, the pendant reacts contextually to the user and sends relevant text, akin to having a friend mumble in your ears. Friend leverages the prowess of Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 LLM. The device packs 15 hours of battery power. Speaking with the Wired, Shiffman quips …

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