Public Relations

NEET-NET: Corrupt Elements Outside the System Must Not Be Allowed to Derail It [Video]

The NEET and NET lapses should be an eye-opener to this revelation that both the ‘agents’ and ‘patients’ of this time-tested method based on merit, viz examinations, run on two wheels that must move in tandem. The faith and trust in the system that enables some to reach their goals and some to get up and try again and again, must be restored.

Of course, no system is ‘foolproof’ and there will be anomalies, but these must be minimised, and corrupt elements external to the system must not be allowed to derail it. In fact, the system must lead from the front. since it is more empowered, having both experience and expertise.

In conclusion, the fate of both examinees and the system that examines rise or fall together. Neither can move forward without the honest and sincere effort made by the other.

The following verse from a poem sums up …

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