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MT hunting access program continues to decline [Video]

The number of acres enrolled in Block Management, a hunting access program managed by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, has continued its gradual decline despite efforts to bolster landowner interest in the program.

Hunters have been tracking revisions to Block Management, hopeful that changes to the landowner reimbursement payment structure authorized by the last two Montana Legislatures can reverse flagging participation in the program and help alleviate concerns about crowding as sales of hunting licenses climb. As the last week of the general rifle hunting season approaches, Montana Free Press’ analysis of 2024 Block Management data finds that landowner participation in the program has continued its downward trajectory despite its popularity with hunters.

Block Management was developed nearly 40 years ago to help willing landowners manage hunting on their land, provide hunters with access to private and isolated public land, and help FWP better manage game species. It is often referred to as the state’s …

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