Community Building and Management

Miron Construction holds 8th annual Build Like a Girl event [Video]

GREEN BAY, Wis. (WBAY) – In Menasha, a local company held an event to inspire the next generation of female construction workers.

Miron Construction has hosted its Build Like A Girl event for the past eight years to bulldoze stereotypes that women don’t belong in the industry.

The company welcomed nearly 30 female students to their Neenah headquarters for a day long program on Thursday.

The goal is to combat the skills gap caused by a severe lack of women in the field by showcasing opportunities for them in construction.

“I think the community can be open-minded and listen to the messages that are out here, and if you know a girl or a young woman who you think might be a good fit either nudge them towards this event or nudge them towards Miron and we would be happy to have a conversation about what a career in the …

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