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Millions budgeted for crime prevention in Kansas City unclaimed by groups [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies

More than a year since Kansas City, Missouri, began a violence prevention and intervention program, millions of dollars budgeted for it are unclaimed.Last year, the city council approved a plan to spend $30 million on the program over five years or $6 million annually. The idea is to fund community-based organizations or CBOs to help with crime prevention.However, records KMBC obtained show that roughly $755,000 has been disbursed for the program, with over $7.5 million in budgeted funds currently unclaimed.”I’m glad they haven’t spent all of it because the crime rate doesn’t seem to be affected by the spending. But I’m not sure what they’re spending it on because any crime prevention programs generally show the receivable of at least a reduction in crime,” said Henry Service, a Kansas City criminal defense attorney.Records show that in the first year of the city’s violence prevention program, more than $3.6 million was …

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