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Mike Lee likened listening to LDS Church-owned KSL radio to waterboarding [Video]

Sen. Mike Lee asked Utah Republicans if they’d rather be forced to listen to KSL radio or be waterboarded — a brutal interrogation technique that simulates the feeling of drowning and has widely been described as torture.

“Utah Republicans, if you were locked in a room forced to (a) listen to the NPR for an entire day, (b) listen to KSL for an entire day, or (c) undergo waterboarding, which option would you choose?,” Lee inquired to his “BasedMikeLee” following on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Saturday night.

Lee’s question followed Republican backlash against a social post made Thursday by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-owned radio stationed that said the Utah GOP had “been running into tough times” and asked its followers if they were “tired of the Republican Party’s antics?”

Waterboarding, widely considered torture, is an interrogation technique that involves putting a piece of material over an individual’s mouth and nose and …

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