Global Marketing Strategies

MediaPLUS: Tourism Ireland appoints Grey London to handle creative [Video]

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Tourism Ireland has appointed Grey London to oversee its global creative work in place of Publicis.

The tourism agency said it sought an agency with a track record of influencing audiences across languages and markets while also working effectively in Ireland.

WPP-owned Grey London has extensive experience in developing global campaigns and has worked with Vodafone Ireland and Bank of Ireland. The company will work closely with a range of suppliers and production partners in Ireland.

Tourism Ireland is tasked with growing visitor numbers to the island of Ireland from more than 13 overseas markets in partnership with counterpart bodies on both sides of the border. The agency is required to re-tender for creative services every seven years.

In March, Tourism Ireland initiated a publicly advertised competitive tender process for the provision of its strategic and creative services. Following a staged procedure, …

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