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Maximize ROI on your next Seminar or Video Sales Letter campaign

Event Marketing and Sponsorships

Maximize ROI on your next Seminar or Video Sales Letter campaign

Event marketing makes for powerful lead generation, but the backend work of promoting seminars, managing registrations, and creating engaging content often presents a roadblock for many producers.

Safe Money Events lets you choose the time and place, fill out a questionnaire, sit back, and watch potential clients sign up! IAMS is excited to expand offerings from this exclusive solution to include a new Federal program and Video Sales Letters.

Please join Annuity Sales Director Tim Watts and digital marketing executive Clifford Blodgett for a webinar on how easily Safe Money Events can execute a high-converting seminar campaign for your business, leveraging the power of digital ad networks to fill your event with ideal prospects.

We’ll discuss the Safe Money Events system, including:
• Video Sales Letters – evergreen solutions that leverage the power of online video marketing to pitch to your prospective clients
• Options for movie and webinar event lead gen
• How SME uses paid media and audience targeting to reach interested attendees
• The user-friendly dashboard that keeps all your event registrations and data in one place

Don’t miss this opportunity to take your seminars to the next level and get in front of the potential clients you want most!

0:00 Introduction
11:05 Maximize ROI on your next Seminar or Video Sales Letter campaign
34:20 Questions and wrap up

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5 Steps to Building an Audience with #Hashtags
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