Community Building and Management

Marlin, TX: ‘Band-aids on leaky pipes’ | City’s water crisis deepens [Video]

Despite $13M in infrastructure funding and years of promises, Marlin faces more water restrictions; Mayor Susan Byrd said recent measures are proactive.

MARLIN, Texas — Residents of this Falls County community are again facing the city’s strictest water restrictions. These restrictions highlight the persistent infrastructure problems that have plagued Marlin despite millions in state funding.

The Stage 5 restrictions, implemented this week, have shut down laundromats and car washes across the city. While Mayor Susan Byrd frames the measures as preventative maintenance ahead of cold weather, records show it’s the latest development in a crisis spanning multiple administrations.

“For the first time in a long time in the city of Marlin, we are preemptively addressing issues rather than reacting to them,” Byrd told KCEN News. “I’m very proud of my water plant.”

However, the current infrastructure projects were initiated years before Byrd took office. The initial grant work began in 2015 under former …

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