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Marketing Analytics: How to Use Data to Boost Your Results [Video]

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Marketing Analytics: How to Use Data to Boost Your Results

Ready to take your digital marketing to the next level? Learn how to leverage your marketing analytics data to boost campaign performance and improve ROI here.
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Read the full article here: https://www.husamjandal.com/marketing-analytics-data-boost-results/

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“Data is the new oil,” mathematician and data science entrepreneur Clive Humby claimed back in 2006. Data collection methods and how brands leverage data have only grown since then, yet many brands aren’t leveraging it in marketing or aren’t maximizing the value of the data they have. If you know anyone who’s struggling in this department, please forward this along.
Get into a Data-Driven Mindset
Brands should keep an eye out for data that can answer the following questions:
· What do the customers need and want?
· Which campaigns and channels are most effective right now?
· How does the audience interact with the brand?
· How should the marketing budget be allocated?
Implement Marketing Analytics Tools as Needed
Either as part of an all-in-one marketing tool or individually, brands should be able to track key metrics related to:
· General website analytics
· Website heat mapping
· A/B testing
· Social media
· Email
Use the Data to Boost Marketing Results
Data can be leveraged in a variety of ways. Some common examples include:
· Personalizing the customer experience, such as by tailoring emails and website content to reader behavior or demographics
· Running A/B tests to optimize campaigns, such as by testing subject lines, colors, and offers
· Improving buyer personas by integrating real-world behaviors to guide future marketing initiatives
· Creating content the audience will consume based on what they’re already consuming on the business’s website or insights gathered through social listening
Keep Collecting Data for Future Use
The strategies outlined here are ideal for brands just starting to incorporate data into their overall digital marketing strategies, but they only scratch the surface of what data can do. Brands should keep collecting and saving data. It will be helpful as the brand continues to expand on its capabilities.
Let Me Know How I Can Help
If you know someone this might help, please forward it along. If you have questions about marketing analytics or digital marketing in general, I’m happy to help. Feel free to hit reply or contact me through my website.
Explore More Insights
· How to Craft Content Your Audience Craves
· Customer Personas: What They Are and Why You Need to Define Them
· Top Benefits of A/B Testing & How to Use it Effectively
· Digital Marketing Foundations: 6 Things to Do Before You Start Marketing

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