Community Building and Management

Mariners Harbor marks milestone of over 1,000 days without a shooting with free, family-oriented celebration [Video]

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — The sounds of celebration echoed through Mariners Harbor Sunday afternoon as several community organizations banded together to acknowledge the fact that the neighborhood has gone over 1,000 days without experiencing a shooting or murder.

The sweltering heat didn’t stop dozens from making their way towards a DJ-hosted party atmosphere at The Big Park on Grandview Avenue and Continental Place for a free day of fun, family-oriented festivities.

The event was sponsored by The Central Family Life Center and True 2 Life, a part of the city’s Crisis Management System (CMS) which works year-round to resolve potentially violent disputes, while educating youth about their economic surroundings, the history of their community and the potential to break the cycle of crime and poverty.

“We are celebrating a historic milestone in Staten Island in the Mariners Harbor community, more intentionally, our target area is the Mariners Harbor projects, the NYCHA development,” said “Iron” Mike Perry, …

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