Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Malawi Mining Minister to Highlight Investment Prospects at Critical Minerals Africa (CMA) 2024 [Video]

Minister of Mining of Malawi, Monica Chang’anamuno, will return as a speaker to this year’s edition of the Critical Minerals Africa (CMA) Summit – Africa’s premier gathering for critical mineral industry stakeholders. Minister Chang’anamuno’s participation will be vital for highlighting partnership and investment opportunities within Malawi’s burgeoning mining sector.

Malawi is ramping up exploration and development of its critical mineral resources, with several rare earth and niobium ventures set to launch within the next two years. Australian mining firm Lindian Resources is conducting a feasibility study for the Kangankunde Rare Earths Mineral Project, following the completion of a drilling campaign that revealed promising high-grade deposits earlier this year. The study will guide the selection of a contractor for the design and construction of a processing plant and associated infrastructure. Meanwhile, Canadian mining firm Mkango Resources is advancing the Songwe Hill Rare Earth Project in southeastern Malawi, with initial production targeted …

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