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Main Highlights from the 2024 Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC24) [Video]

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The 2024 Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) unveiled groundbreaking technologies and features, providing a glimpse into the future of Apple’s ecosystem.

Apple’s 2024 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) introduced groundbreaking innovations across its product lineup, with a strong focus on enhancing user experience and privacy. The highlight was the unveiling of Apple Intelligence, a personal intelligence system combining generative models with personal context, delivering relevant and useful intelligence while maintaining strict privacy standards. Here are the key highlights from this year’s event:

Apple Reveals Apple Intelligence

Personal Intelligence System: Combines generative models with personal context for iPhone, iPad, and Mac, delivering useful and relevant intelligence without collecting user data.

Apple Intelligence emphasizes a highly personalized approach while maintaining privacy, with most processing done on-device. Even when cloud usage is necessary, Apple ensures privacy through “private cloud compute” on Apple chips, preventing data storage by Apple or others. Craig Federighi highlighted this privacy and AI innovation …

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