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Magnetite Mines pioneers saline water use in ‘Green Iron’ production [Video]

Magnetite Mines pioneers saline water use in ‘Green Iron’ production

Magnetite Mines Ltd (ASX: MGT) CEO Tim Dobson joins Proactive to discuss pioneering laboratory results showing the potential to produce premium ‘Green Iron’ feed grade magnetite concentrates from the Razorback Iron Ore Project using saline water. The concentrates achieved grades of 69.9% Fe and less than 2.0% silica + alumina, exceeding current requirements for Direct Reduction Iron (DRI) production.
This development could significantly improve the Razorback Project’s economics by reducing the need for fresh water and the costs associated with a large desalination plant. The saline water can be integrated with minimal changes to the existing process flowsheet. The company is seeking legal advice to patent this innovative approach.
The bench-scale testwork demonstrated that saline water could be used to produce DRPF-grade concentrates from a bulk Iron Peak composite sample. Dobson highlighted the technical innovation’s potential to simplify the project’s water supply needs, potentially eliminating the requirement for a desalination plant by using seawater from the Upper Spencer Gulf.
Further testwork is needed to confirm the efficacy across all parts of the Razorback and Iron Peak deposits. The flotation reagent modifications that led to these results are considered commercially sensitive, and the company is exploring intellectual property protections.
#ProactiveInvestors #MagnetiteMines #ASX #IronOre, #GreenIron, #SalineWater, #MetallurgicalTest, #DRIPelletFeed, #RazorbackProject, #InnovativeMining, #SustainableMining, #SeawaterProcessing, #MiningEconomics, #IronConcentrate, #FloatationProcess, #MineralProcessing, #ResourceOptimization, #EnvironmentalImpact, #WaterConservation, #PatentPending, #Metallurgy, #MiningTechnology
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