When filmmaker Magizh Thirumeni sits with us for another chat, this time on video, he seems eager to address all that has been weighing him down over the last few weeks. A lot has happened since he last spoke to us, which was just a few hours before it was announced that Vidaamuyarchi, his long-awaited action-thriller starring Ajith Kumar, had to postpone its plans to release during Pongal. A collective fandom poured its heart out on social media; remember, they have been waiting for a long time to catch their superstar under Magizh’s direction, and they were expecting a trailer, not a postponement notice.
Magizh Thirumeni interview
| Video Credit: The Hindu
“I felt quite dejected. Everyone, including Lyca Productions, was upset and it took us a day or two to get out of it. However, we all understood the reasons behind it, and the producers did make a concerted, sincere effort to ensure this wasn’t the case,” …