Event Marketing and Sponsorships

Looking Back: DesignThinkers 2015 Branding with Overdrive [Video]

We caught up with James Wilson RGD, Principal at Overdrive Design, to reflect back on their branding for DesignThinkers 2015, Converge, Inspire, Transform.

1. What did taking on the DesignThinkers conference branding mean to you and your team at the time?

It was twofold.

  1. Our relationship with the RGD goes back to a time when it was in its infancy. The decision to undertake the event was a no-brainer as a gesture of appreciation to the association’s steadfast advocacy for the profession and ongoing support for our studio over the years.
  2. It was an opportunity to show off some chops to a discerning and informed audience on a project that we were mostly in control of. You know how you’ve heard: “Life would be better without clients?” It was kind of like that.

2. Explain your concept and how you and/or your team got there?

Each of the designers in the studio submitted an approach but a common thread of “data and analytics” seemed to reveal itself. Likewise, …

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