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Local SEO Silo Structure Tutorial [Video]

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Local SEO Silo Structure Tutorial

Local SEO Silo Structure Tutorial – Chris Palmer SEO :
In today’s video what I will be walking you through is how to structure a local Business website from start to finish drawing on a whiteboard. This is a guide and there are multiple ways to structure a website but this is one of them and I will walk you through from the beginning which is going to be the homepage then moving into your state pages and then finishing up with your location service pages and then you’re supporting content also known as your blog.

If you have any questions related to local search engine optimization or website structuring please feel free to go ahead and ask below this tutorial video.

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Chris Palmer SEO
Chris Palmer Marketing
30 West Broad St.
Pennsylvania, USA 18252
1 (855) 295-8280

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