Integrated Solutions Offering

Local organization planting seeds of change one teen at a time [Video]

CINCINNATI — At WCPO, we are continuing our Search for Solutions, focusing on youth violence in Cincinnati and the groups looking to empower our youth to take positive paths and disrupt the pipeline to prison.

One non-profit said their “Transformation Camp” is not only a positive disrupter, it’s the start of a fruitful adult life.

“Just encouraging [teens] on the positive side, we see transformation in that area alone,” said Executive Director of Super Seeds Candice Tolbert.

She said a few days can change a whole life. And her teens are living proof.

We first met Tolbert at our Community Conversation in downtown Cincinnati when not one but several teens, like 17-year-old Jevion Byrd, said Tolbert and her program had changed their lives.

We stopped by the organization for what they have dubbed “Super Week,” a way for teens to receive ongoing training as they act as ambassadors for their communities.

“I actually came …

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