Community Building and Management

Local climate action planning on the rise in communities across Maine [Video]

More Maine communities are adopting individual plans to take control of their climate future by cutting carbon emissions, promoting renewable energy use and taking steps to prepare for the impacts of climate change.

Each community views its particular climate situation as unique. Some have done vulnerability assessments to prove it, identifying specific public buildings, neighborhoods, attractions and businesses most at risk in the climate of the future.

The leaders of five Maine towns – Biddeford, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Kittery and Saco – gathered last week at a sustainability conference at the University of New England to discuss their path to adopting a local climate plan. The Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission guided their journey.

Since passing a climate plan last year, Biddeford has proposed an ordinance to allow solar development and created electric vehicle charging stations. It will soon start work on beach nourishment strategies, and also craft a tree ordinance to provide the shade needed …

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