Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

LinkedIn export to CRM: How to send LinkedIn leads to CRM & outreach in seconds [Video]

The importance of LinkedIn in sales prospecting

Like all things, sales has evolved over recent decades and now looks almost entirely different to how it did not so long ago.

From the use of the phone, to email in sales, many things have changed.

Now, LinkedIn has become a crucial tool in sales prospecting.

It’s important for sales prospecting for both B2B and B2C companies as it hosts a leads base of just under a whopping 1 billion users that you can’t afford to be missing out on.

LinkedIn’s role in modern sales strategies‍

Let’s be honest, most professionals out there have a LinkedIn profile, whether they’re active or not, you can still find and contact other professionals. Used wisely, LinkedIn is an amazing lead database.

LinkedIn allows salespeople to pinpoint prospects by industry, company size, job role, and other specific criteria, making prospecting more targeted and efficient.

With a more informal tone and the ability to see what your prospects post and share, you are …

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