Event Marketing and Sponsorships

Legends Celebrates The Holidays With A Selection Of Cyberpunk-y Events [Video]

In celebration of the festive season, Wargaming announced some special in-game events for World of Warships: Legends. Fans of the war strategy game will be able to obtain three new premium ships with the return of the Winter Fleet, earn additional goodies via the Advent Calendar, and obtain Premium vehicles across two games in the World of Tanks: Modern Armor crossover “United Force” DLC.

For six weeks, players will have access to “The Best Form of Offence” campaign, which will reward them with a British Legendary Tier cruiser, the HMS Defence, for achieving Admiralty Backing. At the same time, the Winter Fleet is returning, bringing with it three Premium winter versions of existing ships, a selection of ships from past events, and a winter version of the British Tier III aircraft carrier Hermes. The event also offers some cyberpunk-themed versions of popular ships as well as goodies available in the Advent Calendar.

Finally, World of Warships: Legends and …

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