Community Building and Management

Lawmakers move to hold Steward Health Care CEO in contempt [Video]

Lawmakers are pushing to hold Steward Health Care CEO Ralph de la Torre in contempt of Congress after he refused to testify about his company’s bankruptcy at a hearing on Thursday, despite being issued a subpoena. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee is expected to hold a vote next week on criminal and civil enforcement measures. If approved, both resolutions will go to the full Senate for a vote.Dr. de la Torre’s absence further intensified scrutiny over his management of Steward Health Care, which operated more than 30 hospitals nationwide. Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt) called de la Torre “the poster child for the outrageous type of corporate greed that is permeating our for-profit healthcare system.””While hospitals were severely understaffed, patients were not getting the care they desperately needed, Dr. de la Torre was able to afford this $15 million custom-made luxury fishing boat,” Sanders continued. It’s just one …

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