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Last Alberta NDP leadership debate held in Edmonton on Sunday [Video]

Public Relations

The last NDP leadership debate was held in Edmonton on Sunday, with candidates largely focused on how to build the party ahead of the 2027 election. 

The conversation between the four remaining contenders – Jody Calahoo Stonehouse, Kathleen Ganley, Naheed Nenshi and Sarah Hoffman – was a peaceful one.

“It was remarkably dust-up free,” said Nenshi, who was pressed hard on labour relations in past debates

Hoffman focused on health, climate and housing. Though she also brought up cutting public dollars for private and charter schools. 

Calahoo Stonehouse remained centered on a diversified economy, education and the environment. 

Nenshi focused on expanding and strengthening the party’s membership, as well as housing and income support. 

Ganley shared her message of building “a bigger tent,” affordability measures and a greater focus more on platform building (rather than critiques of the UCP). 

All the candidates’ full platforms can be found on their websites.


Over two hours, the leadership hopefuls took questions from the public, moderators and each other.

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