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Judge orders University of California workers to end strike protesting response to anti-Israel protests [Video]

Public Relations

A California judge ordered University of California academic workers to end their strike after they have been walking picket lines at several campuses in protest of the university system’s response to anti-Israel demonstrations on campuses.

Orange County Superior Court Judge Randall Sherman handed the ruling down on Friday, according to CNS.

The university system filed suit earlier last week aiming to end the strikes by the workers’ union, United Auto Workers Local 4811, after two unsuccessful attempts to obtain an injunction against the union from the state Public Employment Relations Board.

“We are extremely grateful for a pause in this strike, so our students can complete their academic studies,” UC associate vice president for Systemwide Labor Relations Melissa Matella said in a statement after Friday’s ruling. “The strike would have caused irreversible setbacks to students’ academic achievements and may have stalled critical research projects in the final quarter.”


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