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Jamison Gibson-Park on the Croke Park classic that sparked his interest in GAA [Video]

Event Marketing and Sponsorships

Over the past four years, Jamison Gibson-Park has ascended and ascended, yet he remains the same, laid-back guy that arrived in Dublin, in 2016. He is arguably second to only Antoine Dupont when it comes to ranking the world’s best 9s. Every season, too, he seems to make another, incremental gain.

We had the opportunity to speak with Gibson-Park, this week, at an event to mark Bank of Ireland extending its sponsorship deal with the four Irish provinces. He was fresh off scoring four tries in two Champions Cup knock-out games and a ream of glowing reports and articles about his continued rise.

Gibson-Park has often been uncomfortable being anywhere close to the centre of attention. He prefers to redistribute any praise that comes his way, will rarely tee off on a subject and his answers are considered and genuine, but frequently brief.

That has changed, a little, ever since he satisfied the World Rugby eligibility rules and was capped …

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