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Is there a future for the arthouse cinema in Denver? | Arts & Entertainment [Video]

Community Building and Management

A spokesman for Landmark Theatres is calling Sunday’s coming closure of the Chez Artiste arthouse cinema unfortunate but economically necessary.

“We’re not happy about it,” Landmark Head of Brand/Marketing Mark Mulcahy told The Denver Gazette. “We’re as sad about this as anybody else in the community.”

So, why is this happening?

Short answer: Butts in seats.

Longer answer:

“There are a lot of factors that play into a decision like this, but the main one is the way studios are releasing films post-COVID,” Mulcahy said from West Hollywood. “Studios are now streaming their films much more quickly after their theatrical releases, which diminishes their window of economic opportunity at bricks-and-mortar movie houses like the Chez Artiste.

“Especially art films.”    

Friends of the Chez Artiste movie theater left a chalk message to patrons on Tuesday (Aug. 6, 2024) saying: “We love you, Chez Artiste.”

In the before times, studios typically designated a promising art film for …

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