After ruling Bollywood, Kiara Advani is set to make her debut in South Indian cinema with the Ram Charan starrer Game Changer. The actress is currently busy promoting the film alongside Ram Charan.
The makers released the trailer on January 2, 2025. On the same day, Ram Charan, along with other cast members, held a press conference in Mumbai. However, Kiara Advani was notably absent from the event, sparking reports that she had been hospitalized and was unable to attend the Game Changer press meet.
Is Kiara Advani hospitalised?
During the event, fans and media were informed that Kiara Advani could not attend as she was unwell. However, no specific details regarding her illness were disclosed, leaving fans concerned and speculating about her health.
Kiara Advani’s team breaks silence on actor’s absence from press conference
As the news went viral, Kiara’s team stepped in to clarify the situation, releasing an official statement: “Kiara Advani …