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Is JD Vance ‘Weird?’ Here’s What Americans Think [Video]

A new poll has revealed whether Americans think JD Vance is “weird,” after weeks of Democrats branding him that way.

Donald Trump and his running mate have been repeatedly called “weird” by the Kamala Harris campaign and people on social media since the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz went viral for using the term in July.

Some 44 percent of the 1,500 responders to a Redfield and Wilton Strategies poll, carried out on behalf of Newsweek, said they thought Vance was “weird” – and that was split between 26 percent who said they “strongly agreed” and 18 percent who said they “agreed.”

However, it is also important to note that 48 percent of Americans who were polled said they believe “all politicians are a bit weird.” That was split between 19 percent who “strongly agree” and 29 percent who “agree.”

JD Vance speaks at a campaign rally in Philadelphia on August 19. A new poll has revealed whether Americans think he is “weird.”

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