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IoT and Blockchain Use Cases Overview [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

Wondering about IoT and blockchain technology. Well,  here we are discussing IoT and blockchain use cases in detail.

Current Projects on IoT and Blockchain Uses Cases:

Building a Truly Sustainable Future – Revolutionizing the energy supply chain

One of the most notable blockchain IoT companies is PETRAS P2P – IoET. This company is looking to completely revolutionize the energy industry. Their aim is to bring together small energy suppliers with energy consumers.

So ideal for this purpose is blockchain technology that would literally allow anyone to generate power which could then be fed into the electricity grid. These energy providers would be paid a going rate for the energy that they provide automatically via the PETRAS P2P blockchain network.

Since this system would be entirely automated, relying as it would on a special IoT energy production device, cost savings could be passed onto the customers making this solution a win-win for all parties concerned.

The enormous untapped potential of the millions of …

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