Community Building and Management

Interview with current student Lyle Jarvel | MSc in International Sales Management [Video]

Interview with current student Lyle Jarvel | MSc in International Sales Management

The opportunities which come from building relationships with colleagues and professors from a multitude of different cultures is one of Lyle’s biggest takeaways from this Master programme. The Master in International Sales Management (MISM) is designed for students like him, who want to enhance their professional career and learn about the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in a globalized and digitalized world.

Learn more about Lyle’s experience and what it was like to study this programme in one of Europe’s most dynamic cities.

Hear him talk about:
– Why he chose to study a Master of International Sales Management
– Where he hopes to see himself in the future

Discover more about the SALES 4.0 Master programme on our website:

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