Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Intel Foundry rumored to team with Samsung Foundry, in order to better compete against TSMC [Video]

Intel is struggling… we all know it, Samsung is struggling… we all know it… but now rumors are swirling that Intel Foundry and Samsung Foundry could combine forces to compete against the semiconductor leader: TSMC.

In a new video from leaker Moore’s Law is Dead, his sources have said that Intel and Samsung could combine resources in their foundries, to compete with TSMC. As I was writing this story, I noticed that South Korea’s Daily Economic News that Intel and Samsung are in discussions to form a “wafer foundry alliance” to fight TSMC.

UDN reports that the industry is concerned that Intel could shift its processor outsourcing orders as a “conditioin of exchange” with Samsung, which will affect TSMC (but not too much, they’re too busy fabbing chips for NVIDIA, AMD, Qualcomm, MediaTek, Apple, and more).

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