The University of Szeged (SZTE) plays an outstanding role in the application of innovative medical methods, especially in the treatment of cancer, the higher education institution informed MTI.
According to the press release, interventional oncology – a specialized branch of interventional radiology – is a relatively young discipline that opens up new perspectives in the treatment of cancer. These minimally invasive procedures involve interventions using diagnostic imaging tools such as ultrasound, CT, and MRI. Although these methods are already widespread overseas, they are not yet widely used in Hungary. Electrochemotherapy, for instance, has been used in Szeged for several years. It uses electrical pulses to provide patients with more targeted and effective therapy.
The release quotes György Lázár, Dean of the Albert Szent-Györgyi Faculty of Medicine, SZTE, who stressed that the proportion of interventional radiology procedures among oncological treatments is increasing worldwide.
In Szeged, too, efforts are being made to …