In a move that brought relief to the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and his party the DMK, its alliance partner, the MDMK, announced that it is not in favour of sharing power and pledged unstinting support to the M.K. Stalin government.
It is worth noting that since the Dravidian parties came to power in Tamil Nadu, there has never been a tradition of sharing power within the state.
However, the Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi (VCK), a Dalit political party and an ally in the DMK-led INDIA bloc, has been vocal about its desire for power-sharing.
VCK Deputy General Secretary Aadhav Arjuna, who has since exited the party, had publicly advocated for the VCK’s inclusion in governance.
This statement was strongly opposed by VCK chief and Member of Parliament Thol Thirumavalavan.
However, there were reports of Thirumavalavan expressing his desire of being part of the Tamil Nadu government.
Addressing the media, MDMK leader Vaiko clarified his party’s stance on the issue, stating, …