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If Youve Ever Asked a Band to Come to Brazil, This New Song from the Offspring is for You (Listen/Pre-Order) [Video]

The Offspring (Photo: Daveed Benito)

Any band or musical act of global notoriety that maintains a steady presence online and on social media has found itself fielding demands from a passionate faction of its audience to “Come to Brazil” — and The Offspring is definitely among these artists.

So much so, in fact, that the Orange County alt/punk outfit was inspired enough by the chatter to title a new song, simply, “Come to Brazil.”

It’s out now, as debuted on Friday as a preview of the Offspring’s upcoming studio album, Supercharged.

Here’s the track, which even ends with a spirited soccer chant to fully fit the mood:

Said vocalist Dexter Holland in a statement:

“Every time we announce any shows we get comments from our Brazilian fans saying ‘Come to Brazil!’ which we love! Brazil really does go off. It has enthusiasm, passion and is an amazing place to play! I hope the Brazilian fans really make this one their own!”

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