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IBM’s evolving ecosystem shines with AI partnerships [Video]

Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

The transformative potential of artificial intelligence is reshaping the enterprise sector, sparking strategic initiatives and innovative approaches.

Central to these advancements are the integration of critical data and the power of open-source collaborations, driving unprecedented levels of technological innovation. IBM Corp. was an early adopter of AI, and now, the company is ready to retake the reins and take control of the current technological boom. It’s eager and prepared to help any partners looking to harness the tech and further imbue IBM’s evolving ecosystem, according to Zeus Kerravala (pictured), principal of ZK Research, in an interview during this week’s IBM Think event.

“During Kate’s presentation, she opened it up with the economic opportunity for AI is $4.4 trillion, of which they want the partners to share in that,” Kerravala said. “She gave examples of some partners and some of the things they’re doing. But, ultimately, if IBM is going to reestablish itself …

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