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Hunter Biden Wants to Sue Fox News for Airing ‘Revenge Porn’ | Latin Post [Video]

Public Relations

Hunter Biden is ramping up his legal and public relations offensive against Fox News, demanding the removal of explicit images and correction of defamatory content.

In a letter obtained by CNN, attorneys representing Hunter Biden accuse Fox News of conspiracy to defame and unlawful publication of hacked images, sparking a potential legal showdown between the president’s son and the conservative media outlet.

Hunter Biden‘s legal team, led by prominent attorneys Mark Geragos, Bryan Freedman, and Tina Glandian, has adopted an assertive approach in defending their client against what they perceive as relentless attacks from conservative media.

The letter to Fox News signals a new phase in Hunter Biden’s efforts to counter the narrative surrounding him, which his lawyers claim has been distorted for financial gain.

READ NEXT: House Republicans Call Hunter Biden to Public Hearing Amid Limited Evidence 

Disputing Bribery Claims and Exploitative Coverage

Central to Hunter Biden’s legal challenge is the debunking of briberyallegations …

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