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Hungarian Delegation Visits Iceland, World Leader in Geothermal Innovation [Video]

Sustainability Marketing

Attila Steiner, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Policy, and Bence Gonda, Deputy Head of Strategy at the Supervisory Authority for Regulated Activities, held a meeting with Iceland’s Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate, Gudlaugur Thór Thórdarson, on the applicability of geothermal energy in Reykjavík. The island nation is a remarkable example, as it meets all its electricity and heating needs for households and industry with renewable resources and green energy.

The Iceland Geothermal Conference, held for the fifth time in Reykjavík, provided an excellent opportunity for participants to learn about the technologies used by the world’s leading country in the use of geothermal energy. Iceland’s best practice demonstrates that geothermal heat is not only a stable source of energy, but also a green energy that has a positive impact on the quality of life, reports Magyar Nemzet.

The Hungarian delegation held talks with Gudlaugur Thór Thórdarson, who agreed that

geothermal energy is of high …

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