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How to recruit paramedics, EMTs with social media [Video]

Social Media Analytics

As an industry, EMS is currently seeing a mass shortage of paramedics and EMTs, leaving many organizations facing a staffing crisis. Paramedics, EMTs and even nurses are changing careers after burnout from the increased demands during the most challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, as volumes rise.

To alleviate the result of high turnover rates and an increasing lack of interest in the medical field, it is imperative that organizations focus their energy on effective recruitment and education about our industry. We need to highlight the crucial roles prehospital care providers play and the rewarding careers they can have; this should be the main goal of recruitment. Often, this cannot be done in a simple positing on your company page or job search websites.

The days of opening the Sunday paper and searching for a job in the “Help wanted” section are long gone. Recruiting and advertising your organization’s job opportunities in the prominent social media age have …

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