Public Relations

How to Position Your Team and Company for the Future of AI [Video]

AI often feels like a mystical black box, shrouded in complex jargon and technical obscurities. The companies that find real value in AI are the ones that strip away the mystique and focus on practical, everyday applications.

In a recent episode of The Disruption is Now, Eric Fraser, CTO of Dr. Lisa AI, joined host Greg Matusky to share his insights on how to make AI approachable and useful for businesses.

From boosting junior associates’ productivity to the ethical and technical challenges of AI advancement, Fraser sheds light on the real-world impact of AI and the hurdles that still lie ahead.

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Key takeaways

AI’s mystical image hampers adoption 

The portrayal of AI as a complex and mystical technology deters businesses from fully embracing it. Fraser advocates for demystifying AI by highlighting its end results and practical uses, rather than focusing on its technical complexities. 

He uses examples such as AI’s ability to draft press releases to show that AI is …

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