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How To Make Your Content Rank Higher With Google Gemini✨ [Video]

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

How To Make Your Content Rank Higher With Google Gemini✨

Are your competitors out ranking your content? What if you could find out from Google what could make your content more competitive? Well, you can with Gemini!

In this video we’ll show you how to find out from Google what they suggest to make your content better based on the content of your competitors that are outranking you.

👉Gemini Prompt template from the video:
Can you tell me the main differences between the content on this page [Competitor URL 1] and this page [Competitor URL 2] ? And then after analyzing both of those pages, can you tell me how to make the content on my page better on my web page? Here is the URL for my web page [Your URL you want recommendations for]

🚨Get a FREE SEO Content Audit to find out what content on your site is doing well, and what content isn’t. Our experts will give you recommendations on how we can turn things around on your site using our SEO content expertise.
➡️ Get a FREE SEO Content Audit:

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