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How to get the most out of IT consultants [Video]

Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Bringing on IT consultants can accelerate IT innovation, as long as you establish a clear, accountable, and collaborative partnership with room for growth and adjustments.

Credit: – Yuri A / Shutterstock

As enterprises continue to plan, expand, or evolve their digital transformation efforts and shifts to the cloud, many are likely relying on IT consultants or considering hiring them for help.

Bringing IT consultants on board give enterprise IT leaders several advantages, not the least of which is quick access to needed expertise when it’s not available inhouse. But there are also risks, including potential cost overruns, lack of commitment and availability of the consultant, communications issues, contract breaches, and lack of needed skills.

Here are some tips for getting the most value from using IT consultants and ensuring that the engagement is successful and aligned with your objectives.

Lay the groundwork: Referrals, expectations, costs

Prior to engaging with IT consultants, IT leaders must address several key considerations, says Steven Bressler, management …

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