Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

How should SEOs approach content? [Video]

How should SEOs approach content?

Dive into the nuanced world of SEO content strategy with Mark A Preston and Erika Varangouli in this insightful episode of ‘Unscripted SEO Tips’, titled “How should SEOs approach content?” This conversation goes beyond the conventional wisdom of keyword research and content creation, offering a deeper look into strategic content planning, integration with other marketing disciplines, and the importance of business context in shaping SEO efforts.

Key Learnings:

– Contextual Content Strategy: Understand the importance of tailoring your content strategy to the specific context and stage of the business, whether a startup or an established entity.
– Collaborative Approach: Learn the significance of not working in isolation but collaborating across teams—social media, design, and beyond—to create cohesive and impactful content.
– Beyond Keyword Research: Explore the limitations of traditional advice on focusing solely on keyword research and long-tail strategies for organic visibility.
– Business-Wide Impact: Discover why SEO shouldn’t always be the first step in marketing efforts and the value of aligning SEO strategies with business development and sales for greater impact.
– The Challenge of Differentiation: Acknowledge the difficulty of standing out in a saturated market where everyone has become a publisher following similar strategies.
– Importance of Testing and Prioritisation: Emphasise the need for prioritising tasks based on potential growth opportunities and the role of testing in identifying truly impactful strategies.
– Holistic SEO Understanding: Gain insights into the evolving nature of SEO, which now requires a broader approach that includes social engagement, collaboration, and diversified content tactics.

This episode is a treasure trove for SEO professionals, content marketers, and business owners seeking to navigate the complexities of content strategy in today’s digital landscape. Mark and Erika offer practical advice and share personal experiences that illuminate the path to a more strategic, informed, and integrated approach to SEO content.

#SEOContentStrategy #UnscriptedSEOTips #DigitalMarketing #ContentMarketing #CollaborativeSEO #MarkAPreston #ErikaVarangouli #StrategicPlanning

Through engaging dialogue and expert insights, Mark and Erika challenge the traditional boundaries of SEO content creation, advocating for a more nuanced, integrated, and strategic approach. This episode provides invaluable perspectives on building a content strategy that resonates with both search engines and audiences, ensuring your SEO efforts contribute to the broader goals of business growth and brand visibility.

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